Success Stories

Factoring for domestic transportation

Success Story

On the Road to Success

With ExpoCredit's support, a terrestrial transport company remains competitive in the international market.



Invoice Factoring



 $500,000 USD



Domestic Transportation




The transportation company offers specialized and general cargo services, container location, and leasing services. With over 20 years of experience in the market, the partners understand that quality service and competitive prices are essential to ensure customers have a solid option for shipping their merchandise, whether it be regular or specialized cargo or maneuvers with cranes or heavy equipment.
The company's service portfolio includes regular and specialized cargo, dump trucks, platforms, and dry containers. The company's clients are primarily major oil and gas sector companies such as Halliburton and Schlumberger.

Client Overview

  • 21 years operating
  • Domestic Trsnsportation Industry
  • International & Domestic Operations
  • Main target are companies from the Oil & Gas industry

Growth of the factoring line over time

The client showed a variation of 125% between the year 2021 and 2022, which represented a significant increase in sales (Values in USD)

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The Main Challenge for the Client

Reduce its Cash Cycle

The biggest challenge that the client faced was reducing their cash cycle. The company was in a situation where its growth was limited by the lack of available capital to cover operational expenses.

"To drive our growth and expand our presence in new markets, we are leveraging factoring as a strategy to increase our cash flow and cover our operational expenses. This solution allows us to maintain the necessary financial stability to take advantage of new business opportunities and continue innovating in our industry." — CFO

How ExpoCredit Helped

Capital Injection

The solution came from ExpoCredit, who granted a factoring line of $500,000. This factoring line allowed them to overcome the cash flow problems of their company and meet market demands.

The results were impressive: the company experienced an annual sales growth of 40%, which allowed it to strengthen its position in the market and expand its presence to new territories.