Invoice factoring: Fuel growth without debt

Improve your company's cash flow through Accounts Receivable Financing. With over 20 years of experience in non-recourse financing, we assume the risk of non-payment and handle the collection process. Our team of experts will manage your invoice collection, allowing you to focus on other essential areas of your company and obtain the necessary capital for your growth.

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Access immediate resources with competitive interest rates lower than traditional bank loans

Accessible financing through an agile and secure factoring process, with requirements tailored to the financial needs of our clients.


What are the minimum requirements to apply for an invoice factoring line with ExpoCredit?

At ExpoCredit, we strive to offer personalized financial solutions tailored to the needs of your company. If you meet these requirements and are interested in applying for a factoring line with us, please don't hesitate to contact us for more information and to start the application process.

  • Minimum one year of company incorporation
  • Unexpired invoices in US dollars, Mexican pesos, or euros.
  • Our minimum line size is $250,000 USD.
  • Payment history with your customers
  • Minimum annual sales of $2,000,000 USD
  • Working with 2 or more well-qualified and insurable debtors
How does the factoring process work with ExpoCredit?
  • AR Client invoices their buyer (debtor) for products/services.
  • AR Client sells the invoice to ExpoCredit.
  • ExpoCredit advances 80% – 85% of the invoice amount to the client.
  • The debtor pays ExpoCredit directly.
  • ExpoCredit returns 15% – 20% minus the service fee.
What are the interest rates offered by ExpoCredit for the cash advance?

The exact rate is communicated after completing the application as it depends on various factors such as line size, customer (debtor) quality, and financial information of the company.